Monday, July 27, 2020

Dialogue of Two Classmates : Giving an Offer and A Suggestion For A Friend's Career

Hello, long time no see hasn't it?, well today I am going to write a dialogue between two students, one is in confusion while the other is going on a walk, enjoy. 

15:38 PM, a park near a high school

A students named Dmitriyevich was walking in the park to enjoy the view before he comes home, and then he saw his friend Vadym sitting under a tree nearby, he approached him, curious as to what he was doing. 

Dmitriyevich : hello Vadym

Vadym : sup Dmitri

Dmitriyevich : would you mind informing me of your actions in this very instant? 

Vadym : ah yes comrade, I was just searching the internet about the information of certain careers

Dmitriyevich : intriguing, what are your intentions? 

Vadym : rumination I suppose, I was confused about what career should I take, I was kind of torn between an aerospace engineer and something in the social studies field, something in linguistic preferably, that's why I did research on these aspects, to find what I am really looking for

Dmitriyevich : okay, would you mind if I help you?, you seemed to be really in need for a helping hand (giving an offer) 

Vadym : sure comrade, I would like your help, thank you (accepting offer) 

Dmitriyevich : great, now what do you need help with? 

Vadym : well, you see, I've always wanted to participate in the aerospace field, even though I was able to grasp the concepts of aircrafts, I struggled to this very moment to grasp the mathematical aspect required to do this job, it seems though that I had tried multiple times to understand certain equations but they either simply broke down at the end or I've gotten too slow to understand them in order to be in pace with most of my classmates, which causes me to have a rather pessimistic approach to this subject, that's why I turned over to linguistic, it had been and had always been my most favorite subjects, this was proven further by the good grades that I've got, and since I had even used it as an everyday language, so I thought, should I just drift over to linguistic, which is easier to do, or stay in my current spot and just try to get better since aeroplanes is still one of my favorite things and I still looked for information on them everyday?, so, what's your suggestion? (Asking for a suggestion

Dmitriyevich : well, this is quite a tough question to answer, but I suggest you to at least try to get better on those mathematical calculations, since you're very sure that you can handle linguistic exceedingly well, then it would not cause you some issues later on as you're already doing well on this subject, so, why not try to get better at mathematics?, if it still doesn't work, then you can go to linguistic, if it works then you'd get another great skill besides linguistic, so it is a win-win situation (giving suggestion) 

Vadym : ah, great suggestion, I hereby state my gratitude for this enlightenment to you, thanks (accepting suggestion) 

Dmitriyevich : no problem, now excuse me, I need to go to my home now, later
Vadym : alright, see you later comrade

And so they went their separate ways, Dmitriyevich continues walking to his destination and Vadym continues his research under the tree. 

Thank you for reading

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