Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My Experience in the Jakarta Mall Aquarium

Jakarta Mall Aquarium

Good day everybody, today i'll tell you about my experience in Jakarta Mall Aquarium     

    On my holiday in June i went to visit Jakarta's Mall Aquarium with my aunt, mother, and brother, we set off from Bogor by car at around 8 AM and arrived at 1.30 PM, at first we planned to eat but it was delayed until after we've finished going around the aquarium, since my aunt had ordered the tickets online and we were expected to be there at 2 PM, so after registering the ticket we entered the aquarium and began looking around.

    turns out the aquarium wasn't 100% an aquarium because the first section we entered was mostly about land animals, and also mostly insects and other small animals, but nevertheless it is very interesting, we saw a huge variety of these animals like crabs, snakes, stick insects, spiders, otters etc, then at the next section was about freshwater fishes, there were 3 tanks (which is an aquarium but looks like a transparent water tank), both filled with these fishes, there were Arowanas, Basins, Oscars, Guppies, etc.

    then we moved on to shallow ocean animals, these included small sharks, rays, starfishes, and even the Horsehoe Crab, which is considered a living fossil since it had not evolved much in 450 million years, they were placed in this open-topped aquarium and you can pet the sharks and some of the rays, however you must wash your hands before and after petting to avoid contamination to either the animals or visitors.

    then, the next section is the sea creatures, there's so many aquariums here (because, well, its an aquarium), and there were small, colorful fishers and anemones, then there's jellyfishes, squids and another living fossil called the Nautilus, and then the next one is the main attraction, the giant aquarium

    That's the picture I took while in the giant aquarium, it shows the biggest fish on that aquarium, the giant grouper, it is around 1.5m long and weights around 300 kg, besides that there were sharks, rays, salmons, and other fishes, we looked around for about 30 minutes then we got to watch a mermaid show, and some cleaning of the floor of the aquarium as well, just after 16.10 PM we decided to call it a day and went out to eat, it was one of the most fantastic day of my holiday. 

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