Tuesday, August 20, 2019

English Dialogue Assignment

This is a dialogue assignment that me and my friend Byan made a few days ago
The video is here - https://youtu.be/wxF60AOx7RY

Byan : "Excuse me, are you Farhan?"
Farhan : "uh, yes, pardon me but, do i know you?"
Byan : "its me Byan, your old friend!"
Farhan : "Oh, i do know you, you're Byan from MIPA 3 right?"
Byan : "Correct, i'm glad to see you, by the way, what are you doing here?"
Farhan : "I've just arrived from Germany"
Byan : "what are you doing in Germany?"
Farhan : "well i just got a scholarship on the Munich University of Technology, and i'm just here to take my documents, how about you?"
Byan :"well i just got accepted in the University of NTU, but i'm still confused if i should take the scholarship in NTU or if i should take the military academy instead, congratulations on your scholarship though."
Farhan : "well thank you, amyway, what are you planning to take in NTU?"
Byan : "i'm planning to take computer science faculty, by the way, its that a new glasses that you're wearing?"
Farhan :"oh, this one, yeah, my old one broke in two pieces so i need to buy a new one"
Byan : "oh, it looks good on you though"
Farhan : "well thank you!"
Byan : "By the way, how's life in Germany?"
Farhan : "well it is a lot less crowded than it is in Indonesia, but the food is better in Indonesia, because what can beat Padang rice and Rendang you know?, anyway, what about life in Singapore?"
Byan : "Well in Singapore it is a lot less crowded compared to Indonesia, it is a lot cleaner as well, but the prices are higher than it is in Indonesia"
Farhan : "well good for you"

(Transition to both of them sitting)

Farhan : "anyway, what are you planning to do after graduating from NTU?"
Byan : "Well if i graduated from NTU then i plan to work on Google, but if i take the military academy then i'll be in the infantry division, what about you?
Farhan : "well if everything goes well then i'll work at an Airbus branch in Germany, but if it doesn't then i;ll pursue a degree in either graphic designing or paleontology, and, its 15.30, my taxi arrives art 15.35, nice to see you, goodbye"
Byan : "oh well, see you later then, take care"
Farhan : "Yea, take care"

(conversation ends)

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